Joe Biden Awkwardly Stands and Claps After Jill Biden Points Out That He Didn’t During a Standing Ovation at the Obamas’ WH Portraits Unveiling

Barack and Michelle Obama had their White House portraits unveiled today and of course, Joe and Jill Biden were present for the ceremony.

After the portraits were unveiled, Jill Biden came up to speak, giving the Obamas a hug as the crowd gave a standing ovation.

While laughing, Jill told the crowd, “Joe honestly, everybody stood but Joe.”

Joe then stood and clapped awkwardly at that point, as if on cue, as the audience laughed and some joined in with applause while seated to support him.

In response to a clip of the situation that was shared by Breaking911, one Twitter user said, “Even his wife makes fun of him.”

Another Twitter user suggested in response, “She didn’t tell him to stand up, and someone forgot to give him his direction card.”

“In Joe’s defense no one told him to stand,” Twitter user “CT” explained.

Twitter verified CEO of Boxcar, Joe Colangelo pointed out, “And then he stands!”

While most on the left will likely see this as all in good fun, there is no doubt that the incident will likely fuel speculation that Joe is not quite all there as he serves in the presidential role.

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