Kid Rock Tells Haters he Can’t be Canceled and Says Fauci Should F— Off to Tucker Carlson, Liberal Bloggers Panic, Downplay the Banter

Liberal bloggers have been bashing and downplaying last night’s interview of rock legend Kid Rock played on Tucker Carlson. Some have said it wasn’t very explosive. Others tried to smear Kid Rock by reminding their readers of “foul language” he’s used in the past.

They must have missed the actual interview. In it, Kid Rock blasts critics, haters, and trolls, telling Carlson’s viewer’s he’s not cancelable.

Tucker Carlson at one point asked him what he thinks about Dr. Tony Fauci. Kid Rock explained that while he feels bad for those adversely affected by Covid, he doesn’t think that the government’s extreme actions were totally called for.

However, he said he was able to take two years to make what he calls one of his best albums ever during that time since he wasn’t rushed like he normally is when cranking out other albums.

Daily Caller reported some:

‘F**k’: Kid Rock Hammers Fauci During Interview With Tucker Carlson”

As we reported:

Kid Rock has a history of going off on mainstream musicians who toe the left-wing line:

Rock says in his interview that he knows many artists and musicians who love Donald Trump but are afraid to say so thanks to the cancel culture and powerful corporations and pressure. He, however, doesn’t care about that stuff, and as a personal friend of Trump’s isn’t concerned about what folks think of him.

Carlson says there is more to come with himself and Rock, so stay tuned.

Ian MacDonald

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