Laura Ingraham Shares Malkin’s ‘America First’ Stance with Message Calling for Immigration Halt and Stop to Foreign Visa Workers


In a pair of tweets earlier, Laura Ingraham shared ‘America First’ messages, first by saying, “All immigration to the US should be halted due to this national emergency.” which was retweeted by Michelle Malkin with the hashtag ImmigrationMoratorium.

Ingraham later responded to a tweet by Jessica Vaughan, director of Policy Studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, by saying, “All foreign worker visas must be stopped.”

An article on the tweets from Breitbart said that State Department officials confirmed to Breitbart News that the refugee resettlement program, which has resettled nearly 2,500 refugees in the last six weeks, would be suspended until at least April 7.

It remains to be seen if things will be taken a step further but there have been many calls for ‘America First’ policies to be enacted with the recent Covid-19 pandemic, including an expanded list of demands of China by Michelle Malkin. Malkin wrote an op-ed in BizPacReview today as well, ranting about how “open borders globalists” should not get bailouts as well. Many in America today are tired of seeing so many get shafted time after time as the government stands by to bail out the same companies who ship our jobs overseas and use their profits during the good times to buy back stock and enrich those who already have more money than they know what to do with. She wrote in part:

After the aviation industry’s last $15 billion shakedown of taxpayers following the 9/11 terrorist attacks (a hefty combo of direct cash assistance and loan guarantees plus civil liability protection), airline stocks soared as oil prices plummeted, carriers crammed more passengers into tinier seats and customers faced new and higher charges on everything from carry-on baggage to Wi-Fi to peanuts. High-flying American, JetBlue, United and Southwest splurged on megastock buybacks and dividend hikes for shareholders. In fact, Bloomberg News reported that the top airlines plowed 96% of their free cash flow over the last decade on buybacks.

To many, she makes good points. Although we do need airlines, we also need leadership to prevent this type of taxpayer bailout repeat time after time after every national emergency.

The American people truly want to be put first, not second, third, last, or any other spot. It seems as though, although these sentiments are growing, fewer and fewer voices are able to project these feelings over the mainstream airwaves, With the exception of Ingraham, Carlson, and Malkin, who is a former Fox contributor, there is a larger and larger divide between reality and the picture that is painted for us by the gatekeepers of ideas.

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