National File reported recently on the fact that the underreported and tragic death of 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant was being celebrated on social media by apparent liberals. A black man allegedly shot the 5-year-old in the head for accidentally going in his yard in a North Carolina town. One of the two people allegedly and shockingly celebrating the tragedy reported on by National File was ‘Terrell Kent’:
Protect Americans, the Facebook page on which the vile comment appeared, penned a post appealing for users to track down the person responsible for the comment.
“Currently trying to find Mr. Terrell Kent’s employer to let him know his employee’s opinions but can’t find anything,” they wrote. “Likely another loser without a job.
“People like this are the scum of the earth. We need to discuss the rampant and unfettered racism that occurs daily in the black community. If anyone finds any information on him please let me know.”

It appears the same ‘Terrell Kent’ is backtracking now, and although he doesn’t deny the comments about “revenge” on white people, he claims his brother took charge of his social media account, throwing him under the bus. ***Language alert***:
“For all y’all inboxing me and tagging me in shit that was not me who commented on that post or anything else I don’t even have a phone to post or even be on fb I work everyday and even when I did have a phone I never commented on anything like that and for all y’all who do know me know damn well I ain’t like that I got hella white friends y’all can clearly read the comments that tell you it won’t me and it was my brother on my page so y’all can stop “threating” me and tbh I ain’t losing no sleep over this shit y’all just stressing my girl out with all this shit so y’all can fuck off now”
See post screenshot below:

Although we’d like to give him the benefit of the doubt, assuming he is telling the truth, why would he throw his brother under the bus? It’s eerily similar to a story we covered yesterday where a Flint, MI man got probation for beating up a white Macy’s employee after admitting that his brother lied about the manager saying the “N” word.
Strange coincidence of blaming brothers I suppose. Anyway, Terrell Kent still thinks the idea of drowning President Trump is funny, as this was still posted to his page of our writing, a picture of Trump ‘drowning’ saying “What are you throwing him?”.

Do you believe Kent’s story that his brother wrote the original comments celebrating Cannon Hinnant’s death?
- Sources: Tim Pool Sold Operation to The Daily Wire - December 17, 2024
- Jack Smith BTFO After Judge Cannon Denies Gag Order Request on Donald Trump - May 28, 2024
- Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Answer Directly the Question of Whether or Not Donald Trump is Still ‘Eligible’ to be President in Midst of State Ballot Fiascos - January 7, 2024