Obama Writes Awkward Tweet That Just Says “Vote.” Amid #Obamagate Speculation

Without mentioning Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, or anyone else for that matter, former Democrat President Barack Obama, who has been relatively mum on the Michael Flynn unmasking revelations thus far, issues a cryptic message. The message is simply “Vote.”.

Is he implying that if President Trump is re-elected and the Barr-Durham investigation gets to the bottom of things, he feels he might be in some kind of hot water? It’s tough to say, but ever since Michael Flynn was exonerated for “FBI misconduct” by AG Bill Barr’s justice department, things have gotten interesting.

More recently, a judge has appointed another judge oddly enough, to try to fight back against the Flynn exoneration and try to get him on perjury. It seems unlikely that anything will stick, especially considering President Trump is on record saying that Flynn is totally vindicated, and could likely pardon him anyway if need be.

So is this a distraction by Obama’s allies to keep the Trump administration and it’s allies distracted in hopes that Trump loses in November to Joe Biden? Meanwhile, Joe Biden’s name was also on the list of names that was revealed as people who requested the unmasking of General Flynn, which thickens the plot even further, prompting President Trump and others to circulate the #Obamagate hashtag around Twitter.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama has a simple message for anyone who is listening, the day after a blue US House Seat was flipped read by a large margin to put Mike Garcia in the catbird seat in that particular California district: Vote.

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