President Trump Makes His Move, Says ‘This Election is Under Protest’, Twitter Posts ‘…Disputed’ Underneath

Some are speculating as to exactly what his endgame is after President Trump made a series of tweets that are making Twitter and Democrats nervous. Grants Rants tweeted: “Is this man making his move???”

President Trump in a string of tweets is continuing his claim of massive voter fraud that is being clearly and vehemently disputed by Twitter. The remarks garnering the most attention are that he claims votes cannot be certified. “THIS ELECTION IS UNDER PROTEST!”

Time will tell if he is just hoping for some kind of a ‘Hail-Mary’ from the Republicans in Congress, or if he is planning something else to attempt to shore up his chances at staying in office for another term, as some out there seem to think.

Previously we reported that President Trump believes the Supreme Court chickened out by not hearing the merits of the Texas SCOTUS lawsuit, in part:

In an interview yesterday with Brian Kilmeade, President Trump insisted that he and his campaign “are going to continue to go forward” with their legal challenges against November’s election results, despite the Electoral College getting set to cast their votes on Monday.

“The Supreme Court, all they did is say we don’t have standing. So they’re saying essentially the president of the United States and Texas and these other states, great states, they don’t have standing,” Trump said in the interview.

Trump expounded on that statement today in a recent tweet where he said, “The fact that the Supreme Court wouldn’t find standing in an original jurisdiction matter between multiple states, and including the President of the States, is absurd.”

Trump added that he believes that “It is enumerated in the Constitution… they just ‘chickened out’ and didn’t want to rule on the merits of the case. So bad for our Country!”

We are simply reporting on the situation and will do our best to bring you what happens next, so stay tuned to Media Right News for more.

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