Regarding Partisan Divide, Yamiche Alcindor ‘Notes’ That Trump Has Repeatedly ‘Lashed Out’ at Democrats

Yamiche Alcindor, White House correspondent for PBS, live tweeted the President Trump Fox News Town Hall. During the town hall, Trump said that he was shocked that politics remain so partisan.

Alcindor noted that he “has lashed out at Democrats repeatedly during the pandemic” and seemingly, put the onus for the partisanship on him.

President Trump says he is “shocked” that politics remains so partisan during coronavirus pandemic. Note: Trump has lashed out at Democrats repeatedly during the pandemic and just minutes ago attacked the Democratic governor of Michigan for saying her state needs more testing.

Alcindor clearly doesn’t believe that the White House press corps, including herself, might have contributed to the divide at all, as later on, she also tweeted about his criticism of them, without any notes on that one.

Q: Should you change your tone at the WH briefings? President Trump, sitting at the feet of the Lincoln Memorial: I’m greeted with a “very hostile press.” I believe I am treated worse than President Lincoln. No body has ever seen anything like this.

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