Report: Kamala Harris Failed to Prosecute Illegal MS-13 Gang Member Months Prior to 2008 Triple Homicide

A report from Breitbart today said that a known MS-13 Gang member, living illegally in the United States, was arrested but went unprosecuted by then-San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris’ office in 2008 months before he murdered a California family.

The murder occurred on June 22, 2008, as 48-year-old Tony Bologna and his three sons – 20-year-old Michael, 18-year-old Andrew, and 16-year-old Matthew – were driving home from a family barbeque in San Francisco, California, when illegal alien MS-13 gang member Edwin Ramos, driving alongside them, randomly opened fire.

Ramos killed Anthony, Michael, and Matthew in the shooting, with only Andrew surviving and later testifying against Ramos.

Prosecutors said Ramos after mistaking them for rival gang members and that the shooting was in retaliation for the shooting of a fellow MS-13 gang member earlier that day.

Ramos, three months before the Bologna murders, had a run-in with San Francisco police officers, and according to the San Francisco Gate, police had warned Harris’ office that Ramos was a known MS-13 gang member with multiple run-ins with the law.

Despite his record, Harris’ office did not prosecute Ramos, the San Francisco Gate reported in 2008 that in March, three months before the killings, Ramos was arrested in San Francisco after police pulled him over because his car had illegally tinted windows and no front license plate.

They also said that an alleged gang member in the car tried to discard a gun, but police recovered it and later concluded that it had been used in a double killing, authorities said.

According to the Los Angeles Times, deportation proceedings against Ramos could have also been initiated but were not because of an apparent mix-up between the federal Immigration, Customs and Enforcement Agency, and the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department, which runs the jail.

In July of 2018, The White House called out Harris and said that she was “supporting the animals of MS-13.” Politifact rated that claim as false at the time.

Harris claimed in a tweet response that as a career prosecutor, she “actually went after gangs and transnational criminal organizations. That’s being a leader on public safety. What is not, is ripping babies from their mothers.”

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