Sacramento Antifa Pepper Spray Trump Supporters After Taunting Them and Then Laugh About It

Trump supporters held a rally today in Sacramento, California to show support for the president and to rally against communism.

In one video shared by independent reporter Brendan Gutenschwager, @BGOnTheScene, a speaker said that they were there to “preserve the freedom of America.”

Antifa, however, arrived at the event and when some Trump supporters confronted them in the street, another video shot by Gutenschwager shows the two groups coming together in a confrontation.

One of the Antifa appears to taunt the Trump supporters and they engage in some shoving. Another one of the Antifa with a megaphone comes over and it appears that they are attempting to keep the situation peaceful.

It ended up just being a ploy as another one of the Antifa came in from the back and pepper-sprayed the group of Trump supporters as you hear the Antifa person with the megaphone laughing.

One of the Trump supporters starts swinging blindly and does appear to connect with at least one punch as the other Antifa throws things at him before one of the Trump supporters comes in with some pepper spray of his own.

A subsequent video shows police move in to break up the opposing groups and another clip shows them pushing back against the Antifa group as they attempt to get them across the intersection.

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