The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah Lectures Joe Rogan on Race in Attempt to Bash Podcast Host Over Recent Comments

With the spotlight increasingly shining on Joe Rogan and his podcast, The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah lectured him on race in an attempt to bash him over recent comments.

In a tweet, The Daily Show shared the clip of Noah’s attempted takedown and wrote, “Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson decided to share their thoughts on race and it did not go well.”

In the exchange that Peterson had with Rogan, they were discussing a prior exchange that Peterson had with Michael Eric Dyson, who is apparently a victimhood sociologist at Georgetown University.

Dyson had similarly attempted to lecture Peterson on race and Peterson questioned to Rogan about how black Dyson really was, based on his skin tone.

Rogan responded, “The black and white thing is so strange because the shades are such a spectrum of shades of people. Unless you are talking to someone who is, like, 100 percent African from the darkest place where they are not wearing any clothes all day and they have developed all of that melanin to protect themselves from the sun, even the term black is weird. When you use it for people who are literally my color, it becomes very strange.”

After showing the clip on his show, Noah declared, “Oh my God! I’m not black! I’m… not black! Joe Rogan’s right! I’m like a caramel mocha frappuccino. This changes everything… This changes everything!”

In an anti-police statement, Noah then ran off the set as if he was leaving while police sirens blared, only to return and explain that “the police said I’m black.”

Noah then suggested, “But yeah, apparently Joe Rogan really wants to know why they say ‘black people’ if they’re not the color of a Sharpie.”

“The thing these guys seem to be ignoring is that black people didn’t call themselves black. You understand that, right? It’s not like black people were like, ‘We’re black.’ No. In Africa, we have tribes. We have cultures. Zulu. Xhosa. Baganda. Igbo. Wakandans!” Noah insisted.

Noah then went on a rant similar to the one that Dyson went on and suggested, “But then white people got there, and they were like, ‘Wow. There’s a lot of black people here. A lot of black people.’ Then in America, they invented a rule that if you had one drop of black blood in you, that makes you black—which defined how you were treated by the government and by society.”

Of course, it is curious that Noah conveniently ignored how tribes would clash in Africa and they still do as many of the most recent genocides have occurred on the continent.

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