“Sweet Grandma” Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers declared victory over her primary challenger, Kelly Townsend. Rogers shared her victory on Twitter in a three-part tweet.
“I am so grateful to all of you. With over $132k in swamp lobbyist PAC money spent against me, we won big – 18%+ and our margins are improving as more ballots are counted. We won the mail-in ballots. We won the election day ballots. We won every county. We won the parts of my /1”
“old district and we won the the parts of my new district. This means that The People want secure borders, secure elections, law and order, parental rights, gun rights and their water and forests taken care of. It also means they support free speech and want me to be their /2”
“voice! The ‘Sweet Grandma’ is going back in to fight for you. Thank you again. America First! /3”
I am so grateful to all of you. With over $132k in swamp lobbyist PAC money spent against me, we won big – 18%+ and our margins are improving as more ballots are counted. We won the mail-in ballots. We won the election day ballots. We won every county. We won the parts of my /1 pic.twitter.com/ynkLXNhOv5
— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) August 3, 2022
voice! The ‘Sweet Grandma’ is going back in to fight for you. Thank you again. America First! /3
— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) August 3, 2022
Kelly Townsend also tweeted about her loss taking the amount spent against her as a consolation. A source with the Rogers campaign tells us that Townsend’s claim is patently false, however.
“As a consolation, it took $1,732,200.27 to beat me.”
As a consolation, it took $1,732,200.27 to beat me.
— Senator Kelly Townsend(@AZKellyT) August 3, 2022
According to the USA Today, results with 81.76% of the vote counted Rogers had 59% of the vote with Townsend trailing with only 41%.
Wendy has worked hard for the people of Arizona and is ready for the November midterm elections. The primary election was closer than expected as both Rogers and Townsend were previously elected State Senators due to redistricting. Townsend decided to challenge Rogers in the primary and subsequently turned on former President Donald Trump for not playing the “disavowal game” with so called controversial right wing figures.
Rogers was the Trump-endorsed candidate in the race, and that plus her election integrity efforts likely helped her across the finish line. Many who were endorsed by Trump have claimed victory in last night’s primary races.
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