Tucker Carlson Says NYT Plans to Dox His New Home Location After he Moved Due to Antifa Vandalism and Threats

UPDATE 1:28 EST: Deadline has reported that the NYT responded to Carlson’s statement

The NYT replied dispassionately and with brevity, eventually:

“While we do not confirm what may or may publish in future editions, The Times has not and does not plan to expose any residence of Tucker Carlson’s, which Carlson was aware of before tonight’s broadcast,” said the publication later on Monday night in response to Carlson’s allegations and remarks.

Earlier today we reported on how the left is continually out to get Tucker Carlson. Previously we mentioned how apparent weak sexual harassment allegations claims were made against Tucker by Cathy Areu, and wondered if he would mention it on his show tonight.

Instead, Tucker reported on some knowledge he claims to have that the New York Times is planning on releasing information about where his new home is after he and his family had to pick an up move from their last home due to multiple visits from Antifa. Antifa had vandalized his home and caused Carlson’s wife to fear for her life.

At the beginning of the segment, Tucker says he almost always tries not to make the show about himself. Tonight, he says, he doesn’t have much choice.

“Last week the New York Times began working on a story about where my family and I live. As a matter of journalism, there is no conceivable justification for a story like that. The paper is not alleging we’ve done anything wrong and we haven’t. We pay our taxes, we like our neighbors, we’ve never had a dispute with anyone. So why is the New York Times doing a story on the location of my family’s house? Well, you know why, to hurt us. To inure my wife and kids so that I will shut up and stop disagreeing with them. They believe in force. We’ve learned that. Two years ago a left-wing journalist publicized our home address in Washington. A group of screaming Antifa lunatics showed up while I was at work. They vandalized our home they threatened my wife. She called 911 while hiding in a closet. A few weeks later they showed up again at our house. For the next year, they sent letters to our home threatening to kill us. We tried to ignore it, it felt cowardly to sell our home and leave, we raised our kids there in the neighborhood and we loved it. But in the end, that’s what we did. We have four children, it just wasn’t worth it. But the New York Times followed us.”

He goes on to talk about Murray Carpenter who has been hired to do the piece, and a photographer called Tristan Spinsky to take pictures. He contacted them to tell them what will happen he says, and says they know exactly what will happen and they don’t care.

They hate his politics and say that the whole point of the exercise is to inflict pain. Tucker says he doesn’t think Carpenter and company even cares if one of his kids gets hurt. He says he could do the same thing they are doing to him back to them, but he won’t for one, because of the double standard in this country, “and that tells you everything” Tucker says. WATCH:

Regardless of your politics, and if everything Carlson says is true, people should demand that the New York Times nix this story before they release it. Time will tell how the situation develops… Meanwhile, former Congressional Candidate and one time guest on Tucker Carlson Pete D’Abrosca tweeted the handle of the alleged New York Times hit piece author, saying his “DM’s are open”, for people to ask him not to post the story evidently. See tweet:

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