Wendy Rogers Endorses Mo Brooks, Anthony Sabatini, Steve Carra, and Kristina Karamo for Various GOP Races

Today election integrity stalwart and Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers made a string of endorsements, including Mo Brooks, Anthony Sabatini, Steve Carra, and Kristina Karamo.

Mo Brooks, the Republican congressman from Kentucky is running for the Kentucky Senate seat up grabs in 2022. Wendy said she “wholeheartedly” endorsed Brooks for the position. She cited that Brooks is “pro-family”, “pro-America” and supports audit of the 2020 election. Rogers also highlighted that Trump has endorsed Brooks for the Senate seat.

“I wholeheartedly endorse Congressman @MoBrooks for United States Senate in Alabama. Mo Brooks has a staunchly conservative pro-family & pro-America record in congress. He stood with us when others didn’t & he supports a forensic audit of the 2020 election, our gun rights, strong borders, & law and order. Mo Brooks is also endorsed by President Trump – we need him in the United States Senate. All patriots, please support Mo Brooks and get behind his campaign.”

Republican Florida State Representative, Anthony Sabatini, was also endorsed by Rogers. In her endorsement of Sabatini, she notes that he is “the ONLY one who has called for a forensic audit among his colleagues in both the Florida House and Florida Senate.”

Sabatini is running for Florida’s 7th congressional district, the seat is currently held by Democrat Stephanie Murphy, she defeated the Republican incumbent in 2016 and has held on to the seat since. Republicans are hoping to take House seats in states where Trump won in 2020.

“I endorse Rep. @AnthonySabatini for Congress in Florida. He is the ONLY one who has stood with the grassroots time & time again & is the ONLY one who has called for a forensic audit among his colleagues in both the Florida House and Florida Senate. Anthony Sabatini has defended children from sex-change mutilation, our right to keep and bear arms, & the life of the unborn. We need him in Congress – he is a fighter & is willing to stand alone. Please join me in backing Anthony Sabatini today.”

In Michigan, which came under much scrutiny for the 2020 elections regarding potential voter fraud, Rogers has endorsed State Representative Steve Carra who is running for Michigan’s 6th Congressional district, a seat that is currently held by Republican Fred Upton. Upton was one of ten republicans that voted to impeach Trump in January of this year.

In her endorsement of Carra, she noted he stood for “election integrity”, “forensic audits” and “right to life”.

“I endorse Steve Carra for Congress in Michigan. He stood tall for election integrity & forensic audits when no one else would. He is also running against a globalist communist who voted to impeach President Trump. @carra4congress will defend our right to keep & bear arms, our border, the right to life & will fight for conservative America First principles. Steve Carra is also endorsed by the great President Trump. Everyone – please get behind Steve Carra’s campaign today.”

Kristina Karamo from Michigan was also endorsed by Rogers. Karamo stepped up to run for Michigan Secretary of State after the 2020 elections. Karamo also made a trip to Arizona to tour and see how Arizona was handling its forensic audit, meeting with State Senator Wendy Rogers. Karamo is vested in seeing that Michigan elections are secure.

“I endorse @KristinaKaramo for Michigan Secretary of State. She is a strong woman of faith & she is one of the most vocal voices for election integrity in Michigan. She also came to the #AZAudit & supported our efforts. Kristina spoke up when so many others wouldn’t.”

Rogers’s endorsements all support election integrity. They are candidates running for different positions, from a variety of states who exude conservative values. With their elections set for 2022, the endorsement from Rogers will add to their credibility with election integrity.

Rogers recently embellished on how to not get on her endorsement list, saying:

“People requesting my endorsement need to check their social media & website. If they are retweeting swampers, never Trumpers & LGTBQ influencers & saying nothing about audits, life, guns, stopping illegals, CRT, or anything conservative then it is probably not a good fit.”

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