AOC Tells Bernie Sanders How Excited She is ‘That Millennials Are Radicalized’

Vermont Independent Senator Bernie Sanders held a virtual event tonight to make a final push before election day tomorrow. New York Democratic House Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was a part of the virtual event and told Bernie Sanders how she is feeling about the progressive movement.

In a clip that Sanders shared on his Twitter, AOC began, “So absolutely thrilled that this movement is not only succeeding but actually growing.”

She brought up several progressives involved in elections next, “That we have Audrey Denney and that we have Mike Siegel that are up for election. That we have Mondaire Jones and Marquita Bradshaw and we’re defending Peter DeFazio and that we have Donna Imam and that we have Ilhan, Rashida, and Ayanna.”

“We’re winning, we’re doing this thing and as crazy as this present moment can feel and as much work as we have to do,” she believes.

The Freshman Congresswoman concluded by saying, “You know I’m already tired for the work that we already have to do, no matter what the outcome is, but the fact of the matter is that the momentum is on our side and that we’re winning and that we’ve won the generational argument and that millennials are radicalized and that gen z is out here with class consciousness and really I truly believe that we are winning this and I’m so incredibly excited and just thank you all so much, I couldn’t be more thrilled.”

Full video of the virtual event:

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