CNBC Reporter Apologizes Profusely for Falling for ‘Ligma-Johnson’ Twitter Prankster Duo

CNBC Reporter Deirdre Bosa admitted on-air today that she had been fooled by a couple of guys with boxes walking around outside Twitter headquarters who claimed to have been fired Twitter engineers. The pair are being referred to as Ligma Johson, a combination of the last names they gave to reporters when interviewed.

Bosa shared her on-air statement on Twitter with:

“About Friday at Twitter HQ – I didn’t do enough to confirm and I regret the mistake”

She added, “and deleting the original so this doesn’t continue to spread. screenshot here for transparency” with a screenshot of her original tweet..

On Friday she added to the now-deleted tweet, “earlier today we reported on CNBC that a team of data engineers was let go at Twitter based on the account of 2 ppl who told us they were a part of that team. we have not been able to confirm that they were actual employees or that the co has laid off anyone today”

It seems that after she posted her original tweet she was enlightened to the fact that the pair were only pulling a prank.

Twitter CEO Elon Musk found it hilarious and shed the news about the pair on Twitter playing along.

Many others had fun playing along with the joke.

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