Joe Biden Woefully Admits Dems Don’t Have the Votes to Codify Roe vs Wade

Monday at the G20 summit, President Joe Biden told reporters that he believes Democrats don’t have the votes needed to Codify Roe vs Wade.

Biden was asked what Americans can expect on abortion rights at the G20 summit Monday. Biden answered by saying that positions will be maintained he went on to say, “I don’t think there’s enough votes to codify [Roe] unless something happens unusual in the House.”

Biden then stopped taking questions after that.

Democrats tried to make the midterm elections about abortion rights, but now it appears they won’t have enough power to change anything, at least federally. Since the Dobbs decision was leaked Democrats have railed against the conservative judges on the Supreme Court.

The Dobbs decision nullified Roe vs Wade, something even Ruth Bader Ginsburg thought would eventually happen as there was no real grounding in the constitution for the decision.

Now that the power has been returned to the states many have moved to one side of the spectrum or the other. Some states are even making abortion legal through the third trimester and beyond.

This is just speculation as the vote count isn’t all the way, and though it appears that Republicans will take the House it is not yet a done deal and something “unusual” could happen, we will have to wait and watch.

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