McAllen Texas, Which is 85% Hispanic Flipped Red, Elected Republican Javier Villabos as Mayor

In a shockingly close election, the citizens of McAllen, Texas elected Javier Villabos as their mayor.

This border town in South Texas has a population of 140,000 with 85% of its citizens being Hispanic. A Villabos win meant that the city flipped Red. Typically, Hispanic voters vote overwhelmingly Democrat, so this is a shock. Newsmax personality, Steve Cortes, described Villabos as being “America First”. Cortes defines this as being for strong borders, economic nationalism, and pro-police.

This election was very close, with Villabos winning 4,744 votes to 4,538. Villabos was running against Veronica Whitacre, who has been in office serving as city commissioner since 2018. In mid-February, Whitacre faced a scandal when she hit a 78-year-old bicyclist in an intersection with her SUV. The bicyclist faced non-life-threatening injuries and Whitacre is not facing any charges. The official police report states that Whitacre carelessly ran a stop sign before striking the pedestrian bicyclist. Allegedly, her car received a scuff mark from the incident but the damage was repaired before police could photograph it since Whitacre left the scene quickly.

Calls for her to resign from the mayoral race floated around across social media.

Image: Facebook

The city of McAllen, Texas has consistently voted Democrat. In 2016, Hilary Clinton won Hidalgo County by 40.5 points. However, in 2020, Biden only won the county by 17 percentage points. Republicans are ecstatic by this win and believe it is a sign that Texas is becoming more Conservative. Ronna McDaniel, chair of the RNC, touted this win as a sign that voters are rejecting the Biden administration’s “failed policies”.

The Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, insisted that Hispanic voters, “want to keep Texas red”. Abbott has been weak though, and many Republicans in Texas actually want to see a stronger conservative in his office, despite a recent Trump endorsement.

Stay tuned to Media Right News for more updates on election and other political news.

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