Nancy Pelosi Appears on MSNBC’s Morning Joy and No Questions Were Asked About Her Salon Visit

Earlier today, President Trump retweeted a tweet from TV News HQ that said, “Nancy Pelosi appeared on MSNBC’s ‘AM Joy’ on Sunday when there were ZERO questions about her salon visit and disrespect for COVID safety rules. Pelosi believes there’s one set of rules for America, and one set of rules for herself.”

The salon visit was a big topic last week, so it seems unbelievable that any respectable news program could do an interview with her and not ask that question, but sure enough, they did not.

Pelosi tweeted out about the interview, where host María Theresa Kumar asked her a question about what she was doing “right now to ensure that the American people try to get back on track during a time that seems to be the most devastating economic recession that we have ever experienced in our lifetime?”

Leader McConnell may have declared a “pause” to America’s coronavirus response, but it is clear the virus never did the same. It has been 114 days since the #HeroesAct passed the House. Enough waiting. America’s families need action now.

Kumar started the interview off by accusing President Trump of attempting to stall the election. She asked,”I wanted to have the conversation specifically about all this disclosure, the fact that Donald Trump, Speaker, does seem to – he seems to want to stall this election. He’s encouraging the voters to vote twice. He’s making sure that the intelligence – you don’t get the intelligence briefings live. What does that signal to you?”

For her next question, she brought up Russian President Vladimir Putin and spreading “misinformation.” Pelosi had brought up the 2016 election and Kumar was “glad” she brought it up.

Kumar said, “Speaker, I’m glad that you brought that up. Oftentimes, Facebook says that political advertising is just, merely 1 percent of the revenue, when in fact 1 percent translates to over $600 million. It’s not small. In that, when you talk about spreading misinformation, I want to talk about also how Putin oftentimes tries to use this idea that by attacking integrity of the election it actually ensures that people may not vote. Do you think that the President is telegraphing something very similar here? He’s trying to do voter suppression by questioning whether someone’s vote will be valid?”

After Pelosi provided an answer, Kumar then asked, “Speaker Pelosi, why does Putin want to interfere in our election?” Pelosi speculates that she believes it will be revealed in President Trump’s tax returns.

The last question Kumar asks Pelosi is about the story in The Atlantic. She asks, “I did want to ask you specifically around Donald Trump’s alleged remarks that were reported in The Atlantic, talking about our military in disparaging ways, saying that they were ‘losers.’  What does that – what does that say to you?”

Pelosi responded that she never criticizes the president overseas and that “it breaks your heart. And let me say this because he’s denying, he said he called Melania to say how sad it was – called home to tell her how sad it was, when she was actually on the trip. So, he doesn’t even have his mind straight, but nothing unusual about that.”

Kumar ends the interview by thanking Pelosi for her “patriotism.”

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