Newly elected Virginia Republican Delegate and attorney Tim Anderson has announced his plans to make schools in Virginia more secure as he says he will introduce multiple bills to make “schools safer”. Anderson shared his plans on his Facebook page:
“For the past two years, we have watched progressive politicians demonize law enforcement. Many liberal school divisions want to remove School Resource Officer’s (SRO’s) from public schools claiming SRO’s are dangerous to children.In this moment, schools are more vulnerable to attack than anywhere else and we send our children their every day. We must do the following:1. Redefine the narrative of policing. They are hero’s. Always have been always will be. 2. Police as SRO’s in schools is positive for children. They build relationships with students and are ambassadors for their departments. 3. They are highly trained to assess threats through behavior analysis. 4. They are highly trained to respond to an active shooter or other serious threat to a campus. Accordingly, this is why I have introduced HB37 which is one of many comprehensive bills I have already introduced and among a few more that I will introduce to make schools safer. I am focusing on school safety as a high priority because we have a real opportunity to prevent a tragedy from occurring in Virginia. These bills will save children’s lives and the lives of those who work in schools. The bill will require one SRO in every middle and high school in Virginia and one SRO to rotate among a campus of 5 elementary schools. I would love to have one SRO in EVERY school, but we are facing a police shortage (caused by the past 2 years of terrible anti-police agenda policies by the left). This is the best we can do until we rebuild our police and sheriff offices. When we have more police I would like to reduce the 1:5 ratio in elementary schools to 1:1. Equally important, this bill requires SRO’s to be on the threat assessment team that is a part of every school to address a student in a crisis. Adding the SRO’s skills and training into the evaluation process will make sure we don’t find ourselves in a similar circumstance other states have encountered by not assessing real threats and engaging them immediately. I am not going to allow anti-police school board members to remove qualified law enforcement from the schools. When this bill passes, every school system in Virginia will be mandated to comply. Picture credit“

“Three commonsense bills to make schools safer.
1. Screen every person entering a public school building.
2. Allow school boards and private schools to employ veterans to defend all public and private schools with dual purpose employment options to include mentor programs, athletics, music/fine arts instruction, clubs and trade instruction.
3. Mandatory full-time SRO’s in all public high and middle schools in Virginia. These bills will be pre-filed prior to January 12, 2022.”

This comes as schools around the country have made attempts to make students and parents feel more secure following the school shooting in Michigan last month which killed four students and injured others. Some have called for stricter gun control measures however, many want to see an increase in police presence at schools.
According to Anderson, one of his bills would “require one SRO in every middle and high school in Virginia and one SRO to rotate among a campus of 5 elementary schools”. He also said, “I am not going to allow anti-police school board members to remove qualified law enforcement from the schools. When this bill passes, every school system in Virginia will be mandated to comply.”
Republican Glenn Youngkin will be entering office in January, meaning that if this bill makes it to the Governor’s desk, it is bound to be signed. We will have to see if his bills gain bipartisan support as many would call them common-sense measures in order to ensure safety in schools.
Whether Democrats decide to join Anderson or not he is showing his constituents he cares about their children’s safety when going into school. Having an SRO (School Resource Officer) at the school will lessen the chance of a shooter being able to kill young students as the SRO is armed and trained.
Stay tuned to Media Right News for more updates.
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