Ron Paul Calls Dr. Fauci a ‘Fraud’ and Says the ‘American People Have to Fire Him’

Dr. Ron Paul is joining a growing number of people calling on President Trump to fire top Coronavirus advisor Dr. Fauci for providing “bad information.”

Models are now showing less of a disaster than predicted from this virus, while suicide rates have been outpacing Coronavirus deaths in some states.

Fauci Should Be Fired. If Not By Trump, Then By The American People

Paul: A significant move would be to get rid of Fauci giving us all this information. It doesn’t look like that’s gonna happen. He works for CDC and it’s not exactly the typical government organization.

It’s an organization that Bill Gates owns and I’m sure Fauci benefits from this tremendously, so that’s not likely to happen but I think the type of firing that may be on your mind but if you don’t do it in the literal sense, the people have to fire him and they have to fire him by saying, “he’s a fraud.”

He doesn’t give us any good information. They didn’t save us from ourselves and this plan to give us total control of everybody. The plan that they have is when things are getting back to normal, yes people can return to their work, and they do things, return to the golf course, if they get the stamp of approval.

Your liberties are there if you get the proper stamp from the government and say that, you’re free of spreading any disease, but as this one goes away, they’ll come up with another one. It’s an excuse to have total control over the people. I think the most important thing is that people have to quit listening to him if they’re going to listen to him, listen to him critically.

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