Schumer Implies Trump’s Kids “Might” be Unethically Making Money While Ignoring Hunter’s Documented Windfalls

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer had a press conference this morning to summarize the US Senate impeachment trial in his eyes and drop his feelings on the upcoming John Bolton book. Bolton’s book had excerpts leaked that supposedly make it look like President Trump used a “quid-pro-quo” with the Ukrainian President Zelinsky to get them to investigate certain matters.

This is all based on the July 25th phone call brought to light by a whistleblower which prompted this whole impeachment, to begin with, in addition to the fact that many Democrats have been wanting to impeach President Trump since he was elected.

Early on in Schumer’s presser at around 2:40 in the full video at the end of the article, Schumer says, “Did the President have financial interests at stake when he was talking to Erdogan, Xi, and others? Maybe his kids had some economic interests at stake, and did it impact our nation’s foreign policy with those countries?”

He seemed to imply without proof that Trump’s kids are up to no good while downplaying the apparent improprieties of the Bidens, which are actually based in fact. Senator Rand Paul actually thinks that Schumer’s implications against the Trump children could be a basis for a possible defamation lawsuit, as you can see in the clip above. He also references how John Bolton actually is making money off a book that is allegedly written to try and hurt President Trump.

Many of President Trump’s impeachment team attorneys spoke last night in the US Senate. “If you vote with the White House, to suppress and cover up evidence, the odds are strong, that the truth, THE TRUTH, will eventually come out” Schumer says towards the beginning of his presser.

This was said in an effort to get Senate Republicans to allow John Bolton and others to be witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial, despite the fact that House Democrats didn’t allow all the Republican witnesses in the impeachment.

A bit after that, Chuck Schumer brings up Hunter Biden, and this is where his interesting implications come into play. “Another response we’ve heard is that Senate Republicans and the President [sic] lawyers may respond to our request for relevant witnesses with a request for Hunter Biden to testify. Of course, what can Hunter Biden tell us about the President’s conduct with Ukraine?” Schumer goes on, “What can Hunter Biden tell us about the President’s obstruction of Congress? Nothing! Obviously. The bottom line is very simple.”

Schumer goes on to imply that the Republicans are simply trying to distract from the facts by using Joe Biden and Hunter Biden and their Ukraine connections and shady-looking dealings. The Senate minority leader appears to mention the Bidens in an effort to display alleged Republican deflection without actually alluding to any of the actual improprieties that do exist in the eyes of many, relating to the Bidens and the impeachment trial.

At this point, Schumer steps aside and let’s other Democrats speak about the Senate trial and then steps back up to the podium again. He brings up the book by John Bolton again, then moves on to say that he wants four witnesses and four documents. After a reporter asks him if he wants to see the Bolton book, he responds, “Nothing is a substitute, for a witness, under oath, in person, testifying. That’s what we want”. A reporter then asks if he’s ok if Hunter Biden ends up being called as a witness, to which he implies he’s not really worried about. After ranting on for a while and implying that Republican Senators are under duress from fear that if they go against Trump he will be nasty with them, (“ask Flake and Corker”) he takes some more questions.

At some point, a reporter asks if Chief Justice Roberts should rule on the relevancy of witnesses, and Schumer doesn’t seem to be against that idea. The next question, relating to dragging out the trial seems to get Schumer a bit flustered. Watch the entire video below:

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