Thomas Massie Pulls the Alarm on Republicans Conspiring to get a Democrat or RINO Instead of Jim Jordan for House Speaker

Republican U.S. House Rep. from Kentucky Thomas Massie publicly shamed House Republicans who have allegedly run to the Democrats to make a deal for Speaker of the House. Massie also called on House Republicans to unite behind Jim Jordan (R-OH).

“Some Republicans want to cut a deal with Democrat leader Hakeem Jeffries to elect a Speaker. With Democrats controlling the White House and the Senate, we must not give up control of the House. Republicans should unite behind Jim Jordan as our Speaker of the House!”

We reported on U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) who allegedly wants to work with Democrats to find a Speaker of the House.

This morning Mike Turner (R-OH), the chair of the House Intelligence Committee said on ‘Face the Nation’ that if Republicans can’t come together behind Jordan a deal will have to be done with Democrats.

Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was removed as Speaker of the House and since then the race has been to determine who will now fill that spot. Steve Scalise (R-LA) was unable to get enough support behind him even as Jordan temporarily dropped out of the race.

Many Republicans are working to get the votes they need to put Jordan in as Speaker of the House. While other establishment Republicans are now looking to the Democrats to try to negotiate a deal.

Who the Speaker of the House will be is very much up in the air, it seems Jordan is still the leading candidate who could bring the GOP back together. It seems that many establishment Republicans are not willing to put an America First candidate in the seat after McCarthy’s removal.

America is watching as House Republicans scramble to fill the Speakership.


  1. They aren’t called RINOs and
    “The Stupid Party” for nothing.

    The Uniparty is real.

  2. Not sure you can actually shame corporate Republicans who are shameless. Uniparty indeed.

  3. Republicans eat their young. RINO’s are evil.

    1. This is one more example of why I don’t call myself a “Republican” anymore. They’re all in it for what they can get out of it, not to represent the voters who put them there.

      I still vote “Republican” because the alternative is unthinkable, but I’m not one of them; I’m proud to be a Conservative.

  4. We’re watching them all right…with total disgust. These clowns are doing a good job of showing us we have no need of a Party that cuts a deal with the devil instead of listening to its base. How DARE they go to Democrats! Let’s take the GOP out. Re-register as an Independent. Support your candidate directly and don’t give that bunch of RNC turncoats another dime!

  5. Does America and We the People really need a speaker named hakeeme? Thank you Matt Gaetz for the mess you created!!

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