TN GOP State Rep Submits 2A Bill Named After Kyle Rittenhouse to Financially Compensate Defendants Who Might Go Through a Similar Trial

A Tennesse Republican State Rep, Keith Griffey, submitted a second amendment bill named after Kyle Rittenhouse to financially compensate defendants who might go through a similar trial.

Griffey’s proposal, HB1769, otherwise known as “Kyle’s Law,” and it would require the state to reimburse costs to a defendant who is charged with criminal homicide but found not guilty due to self-defense.

Defendants would make a motion for reimbursement following their not guilty verdict and leave it to the court to determine how much the defendant is awarded, according to the legislation.

In a statement, Griffey explained, “Kyle Rittenhouse had to defend himself not only against a first-degree murder charge over the course of a year-plus politically-motivated prosecution and a two-week jury trial, but also against widespread defamation and false branding by corrupt media outlets, simply for exercising his American, God-given right to self-defense.”

“Luckily, Kyle Rittenhouse was rightfully acquitted of all charges, but not after thousands of dollars were expended on attorney fees for his legal defense, reputational damage was incurred and emotional stress was suffered,” Griffey continued.

Griffey noted, “Kyle Rittenhouse can never fully be made whole for what he was forced to endure, but under the law I’m proposing, if someone in TN is placed in the same situation as Kyle Rittenhouse in the future, he/she can at least be financially compensated.”

“My bill will help deter what happened to Kyle Rittenhouse from happening to someone in Tennessee and will help protect the right of Tennesseans to self-defense,” Griffey insisted.

Griffey also is presenting a proclamation to honor Rittenhouse as “a hero who selflessly defended his community, protected businesses, and acted lawfully in the face of lawlessness” and “a symbol of things that the Left is trying to destroy—our Constitution and our Second Amendment gun rights” who “provides a light of hope that we can fight back against the enemies of our Constitution and win.”

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