Sunday night Trey Gowdy made it clear, he is ready to move on to the next big election. People should learn and grow from the results of the 2022 midterm elections Gowdy shared. The next big election cycle is the 2024 presidential election.
Gowdy tells his viewers, based on Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis and Senator from South Carolina Tim Scott’s speeches given after the midterms, they could be the light for the next election cycle. Gowdy put pictures of the pair up on the screen and tells his viewers they could walk towards it.
Jenna Ellis is irritated that the establishment is already pushing a ticket, she shared that it needs to be the “voters’ decision”.
Ellis tweeted:
“The establishment is already trying to push MAGA out of the way. Whether Trump or DeSantis or someone else is the nominee for 2024, it should be THE VOTERS’ decision.”
The establishment is already trying to push MAGA out of the way.
— Jenna Ellis
Whether Trump or DeSantis or someone else is the nominee for 2024, it should be THE VOTERS’ decision. November 14, 2022
After the red wave did not materialize, the establishment has been quick to call it the end of the Trump era. Though Trump was never on the ticket, the establishment Republicans are quick to blame him instead of looking at the way they ran campaigns.
The elected leaders of the Republican party, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are ready to go back to the status quo, both assuming they will just continue on in their leadership positions. Some within the party are over the way things have been run and see the performance of the midterms as an indicator that Republicans need new leadership.
Republicans look as if they will have a slim majority in the House but it appears that the Senate will remain in the control of the Democrats. With the vote count still outstanding in many states nothing is set in stone as of yet.
The voters are the ones who ultimately decide, but the establishment can make it feel as though they don’t have other options. The narrative being pushed by the old guard and media is that Donald Trump is done.
Trump is set to make an official announcement on Tuesday, we and many others anticipate that he will announce his bid for president.
We shall see what comes from Tuesday’s announcement.
- Sources: Tim Pool Sold Operation to The Daily Wire - December 17, 2024
- Jack Smith BTFO After Judge Cannon Denies Gag Order Request on Donald Trump - May 28, 2024
- Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Answer Directly the Question of Whether or Not Donald Trump is Still ‘Eligible’ to be President in Midst of State Ballot Fiascos - January 7, 2024