Trump Credits Obama For His Election Calling His Admin Historically ‘Corrupt and Incompetent’

President Trump credited the Obama Administration for his election in 2016. He said that it “is turning out to be one of the most corrupt and incompetent in U.S. history.”

The Obama Administration is turning out to be one of the most corrupt and incompetent in U.S. history. Remember, he and Sleepy Joe are the reasons I am in the White House!!!

Speaking to reporters after returning from Camp David, Trump said, “Look, he was an incompetent president, that’s all I can say. Grossly incompetent.”

Yesterday, he again tweeted out “OBAMAGATE!” in a tweet that he has pinned to the top of his account and has been liked over 325,000 times.

Obama managed to make his virtual graduation speeches feel political yesterday, saying, “Doing what feels good, what’s convenient, what’s easy, that’s what little kids think. Unfortunately, a lot of so-called grownups, including some with fancy titles and important jobs, still feel that way, which is why things are so screwed up.”

This seems like very strange advice coming from someone who represents the Democrat party, as they are generally supposed to be the party of doing what feels good and bucking traditional societal norms.

He also criticized current “leaders” in the United States who “aren’t even pretending to be in charge” and “aren’t even asking the right questions.”

Speaking to Fox News this morning, Trump called the unmasking of Michael Flynn the “greatest political scam, hoax in history of our country.” He called it a “disgrace what happened.” He said, “we caught them.”

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