Cori Bush, After Sleeping on Capitol Steps, Claims She’s Representing Black and White People, Despite Implying the Fourth of July is Only for White People Weeks Prior

Just weeks ago, we reported on U.S. Rep Cori Bush (D-MO) when she shockingly tweeted what many saw as anti-White anti-Fourth of July rhetoric. In a new video, Bush claims she knows how to do performative acts, but that she doesn’t have to because everything she does is real. Here is the tweet from less than a month ago:

Now, Cori Bush claims she’s slept on the Capitol steps to protest the ending of the eviction moratorium during the new Delta variant scare. She says in her video that she is there to represent people who didn’t vote for her. She says she’s representing “Black AND White” people.

She says that she’s doing what she is doing to help anyone who is facing eviction be able to stay in their home without paying rent. She didn’t address how the middle-class landlord will put food on his or her’s children’s table if they don’t receive rent payments on property they lease out though.

It’s always assumed I think, that landlords are rich and greedy, and there aren’t two sides to this story, but many know better. In the video below, the MSNBC host appears to do Bush’s job for her, claiming that she’s not putting on a stunt. She agrees, although she claims she would know how to do a stunt if she did want to do one, but that that’s not what is happening here.

“When we signed up for this job, we signed up to represent every single person in our district, regardless of if you have four walls or not, if you have a business or not, if you have money or not, if you’re Black, White, or whatever, if you voted for us or not we signed up to represent you and that’s what we should be doing”.

“For you, this is not a stunt, you’ve been homeless,” says the host. “It’s not performative in any way, I know how to do performative things, and this is not it, and you know I don’t do performative things as a matter of fact because I don’t have to…” says Bush.

Bush tweeted yesterday:

“Many of my Democratic colleagues chose to go on vacation early today rather than staying to vote to keep people in their homes. I’ll be sleeping outside the Capitol tonight. We’ve still got work to do.”

“BREAKING: I’m a formerly unhoused Congresswoman, and I know that people will die if we let the eviction moratorium expire. I just sent a letter to every one of my Democratic colleagues telling them we can’t leave until we pass this extension.”

U.S. Rep Ilhan Omar (D-MN) joined Bush:

Bush tweeted this morning:

Good morning. The eviction moratorium expires tonight at midnight. We could have extended it yesterday, but some Democrats went on vacation instead. We slept at the Capitol last night to ask them to come back and do their jobs. Today’s their last chance. We’re still here.

Many could argue that in spite of the fact that many landlords may be hurting too, Bush means well with this move, whether it’s a stunt or not. It will be hard for many though, to believe that. Many feel that when Bush implied that Independence Day is really just for White people that perhaps she doesn’t represent them at all.

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