Bob Saget’s Family Sues to Stop the Release of Records from Death Investigation

Family members of the late Bob Saget who recently passed away earlier this year, are seeking to stop the release of records from the investigation into his death.

“JUST IN: Bob Saget’s family sues to block release of death investigation records”

Saget is most widely known for starring in “Full House” which became popular and ran for eight seasons. Now, family members of the late Saget are suing the Orange County Sheriff’s Office claiming that records of his death are “exempt from disclosure to the public”.

As we previously reported, “The death of comedian Bob Saget has unfortunately been mired with controversy as many are wondering exactly how it is that he met his untimely fate.

The latest revelations from his autopsy are certain to do nothing to stop the speculation surrounding what may have occurred.

Dr. Gavin Britz, the chair in neurosurgery at Houston Methodist Hospital, recently said of Saget’s injuries, ‘This is something I find with someone with a baseball bat to the head, or who has fallen from 20 or 30 feet.’

While his death was ruled accidental, some are beginning to form “conspiracy” theories around how Saget died. Some may suggest his death was intentional and therefore the family members would want to block more information from coming out.

However, there is no merit for this theory yet but we will have to see if any new information comes out. Some may also think that the Saget family doesn’t want everyone to know what they deem to be private and sensitive information.

Stay tuned to Media Right News for more updates.

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