Georgia Governor Brian Kemp Breaks Silence, Says ONLY Legally Cast Ballots Will Count

In the midst of the 2020 presidential election chaos where most major media outlets have called Joe Biden the projected President-elect, President Trump continues to dispute it. Trump’s is pushing for investigations and recounts in major swing states around the country.

Many of his allies say they have evidence they want to use to help bolster their case. The plan is to get GOP run state legislators and possibly the Supreme Court to back up President Trump’s case, but the outcome remains to be seen.

Meanwhile, Georgia’s Republican Governor hasn’t been that involved other than firing off a couple of tweets since election day, but this may change. Kemp just tweeted a bold statement, saying:

“Georgia’s election result will include legally cast ballots – and ONLY legally cast ballots. Period.”

Georgia is a state that has two Senate election runoffs with Kelly Loeffler and Sonny Perdue that could determine which party ends up holding the Senate. This is a very important state, and no matter who ends up being the president, it’s important for the GOP to do their due diligence or they could end up losing even more power.

Doug Collins has taken charge of the recount for the Georgia race as well as we have previously reported about the US House Rep:

Georgia House Rep. Doug Collins has been tapped to lead the Georgia recount team for the Trump Campaign, according to a press release, which said that it will begin as soon as canvassing has concluded.

Yesterday, Collins tweeted out that “No matter what the media tells you, this is NOT over. It’s not over until every LEGAL vote is counted. This is America. We the PEOPLE decide who our next President is. NOT the media.”

“During the coming recount, we are confident we will find evidence of improperly harvested ballots and other irregularities that will prove President Trump won Georgia fairly again on his way to re-election as President,” Collins stated in the statement that was released.

Collins added, “Republicans stand by the ideal that every eligible voter should be able to vote legally and have it be counted. Georgians deserve a free and open process, and they will get one.”

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp ran as a tough guy, and it’s now being brought into question just how tough he is. He has some ground to make up here, but the potential for redemption within the GOP still exists.

President Trump fired off a tweet that will likely be censored or “contextualized” by Twitter shortly, that seemed to piggyback Kemp’s comment:

“Georgia will be a big presidential win, as it was the night of the Election!”

See tweet:

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