House Democrats Introduce Bill That Would Prevent Trump From Being Buried In Arlington National Cemetary

House Democrats today introduced a bill called the “No Glory for Hate Act” which would prevent Former President Trump from being buried in Arlington National Cemetery once he passes away. Below is the tweet.

Under the act, presidents who have been impeached twice would not be allowed to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery or have federal funds go to buildings displaying their names or acknowledging their achievements.

U.S. House Rep Sanchez (D-CA), who was a co-sponsor of this bill, described the bill in a positive manner on her website and said, “The No Glory for Hate Act prohibits the use of federal funds for any: symbol, monument, structure, building, or public land commemorating a former President twice impeached by the House of Representatives, or who has been convicted of a State or Federal crime relating to actions taken in an official capacity.”

“The bill also restricts the benefits given to former presidents who have been twice impeached by the House of Representatives, such as a pension, staff, office travel expenses, and burial in Arlington National Cemetery,” Sanchez added.

This appears to be another attempt by the Democrats to to show their hatred for former President Trump as they still aren’t getting over him. Some may ask, when will their obsession with the former president end or will it ever?

No matter politics, it has always been a norm that no matter the person, those who served in the oval office deserve to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

After House Democrats already impeached him when he left office, they still want to punish him. Meanwhile, they have yet to deliver on their stimulus payment promises.

Stay tuned to Media Right News for more updates.

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