Idaho Legislators Send Residential Riot Prevention Bill to The House Chamber to Prevent What Happened in Colorado, Washington, and Oregon

An Idaho House Committee voted 11-4 on Bill 195 which would look to prevent people and groups from protesting at private homes across the state of Idaho. Following the public hearings and testimony, most of the testifiers were against the bill, citing its obstruction of one’s right to protest granted under the first amendment.

This bill comes as several Republican lawmakers have been victims of harassment at their homes from Antifa and those on the left for their support of former President Trump. U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) was one who became victim to this, as Antifa surrounded his family’s house when he was not home, which left his wife alone with the children.

This bill has bipartisan support in Idaho surprisingly, as it was co-sponsored by Republican Rep Greg Chaney and Democrat Rep Brooke Green. Green gave defense to the bill saying, “Where in history has it ever been ok for someone to show up at someone’s house with pitchforks and torches. Absolutely never was that part of our contract to one another as neighbors.”

He followed that by recognizing the concerns from those against the bill, “The existing statutes and concerns regarding the first amendment are very important to us, while at the same time, the sacred homes, our sacred families, weigh is just as important.”

Chaney defended the bill as well, citing the right to protest remains just the location of where you can is being changed slightly, “If this bill passes, you will nonetheless, have the same right to protest that you have now. It is a location restriction, only, and it is a narrow one.”

After the 11-4 vote in approval of this bill from an Idaho House Committee, it will head to the full House for a vote on the bill.

It is worthwhile to remember Colorado passed a similar bill though was loosely enforced by the Police following the violent BLM and Antifa riots in the summer in residential areas.

While BLM marched in residential areas, which went against the law, police told residents to “shelter and place” inside their homes while chaos ensues outside their property.

The outrage from that day still remains.

If this bill is to be passed and signed into law, it is important that the police and state government enforce this law to allow people to live in peace and not worry about their families being subject to harassment by either side of the aisle.

Stay tuned to Media Right News for more updates.

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