Nancy Pelosi Stumbles, Nearly Faceplants, Walking off the Stage at Harry Reid’s Funeral on Saturday

Joined by former President Barack Obama and Joe Biden, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stumbled walking off the stage at former Nevada Senator Harry Reid’s (D) funeral Saturday.

“Wait for it..”

As you can see above, after the maskless Speaker of the House concluded her speech, she walked to her right and then stumbled which would have certainly led to her face planting had she not caught her footing. Some may wonder if she is healthy enough to serve in Congress if she can barely get off the stage.

During the funeral Obama said, “He was one of the first people to encourage me to run for president, believing that, despite my youth, despite my inexperience, despite the fact that I was African American, I could actually win. Which, at the time, made one of us.”

Likewise, Biden made remarks at the late Senator’s funeral, “Harry would always have your back. Harry had mine, and he knew I had his. He said, ‘I’m so proud, Joe. You’re my brother. You won.” He continued, “Well, it was a big deal to me that he felt that way. You know Harry never wrote what he didn’t believe. It made me feel good. He gave me a sense of confidence.”

Like Biden, Speaker Pelosi doesn’t seem to be in good physical condition and perhaps her mental state is deteriorating as she ages. We will have to keep an eye out on Pelosi as she could be on the final stage of her political career, either way if Trump even misstepped on the stage liberals would freak out.

Stay tuned to Media Right News for more updates.

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