While Murder Rates Rise in Baltimore, Many Would Rather Criticize Trump Tweets
Earlier today, President Trump retweeted English media personality Katie Hopkins where she wrote that Baltimore had the highest murder rate in the US and included a video of a groupContinue Reading
Nancy Pelosi Struggles for Power as AOC Steals the Limelight
On again off again moderate (although sometimes radical) Democrat Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is struggling to keep her ‘house’ in order. With the recent rise of ‘Democratic Socialism’,Continue Reading
Evidence be Damned, Epstein has Strong Connections
Jeffrey Epstein is a very well connected man with many assets. He has links to the likes of former president Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz, a former legal counsel (who isContinue Reading
VIDEO: Meet Debbie Lesko, The Most Underrated Star at The Mueller Hearings
Wednesday’s Mueller testimony before congress was certainly the underwhelming political event of the year, especially for the left. Many were hoping to shed light on details and divestitures from theContinue Reading
Trump Brands AOC ‘The Squad’ Leader with ‘AOC+3’
In a recent speech that President Trump made at a Turning Point USA conference, Trump branded Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as the leader of ‘The Squad’ with a new term ‘AOC+3’. ‘TheContinue Reading
President Trump Demands Rapper A$AP Rocky’s Freedom, Denounces Continued Detention
In a pair of tweets minutes ago, President Trump went to bat further for rapper A$AP Rocky who was has been detained since July 3rd after already making a callContinue Reading
Disaster for Democrats: Trump, Hannity Declare ‘Mueller Witch Hunt’ Over
Sean Hannity hosted his show last night on Fox News and he delivered a strong message to the Democrats, the witch hunt is over. Within minutes, President Trump took toContinue Reading
Wrapped in Scandal: Puerto Rico Governor Denies Reports He’s Stepping Down, Impeachment Proceedings Begin
Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello and his office have seen protests for the past 12 days after text messages between him and his staff were revealed that contained offensive language.Continue Reading
Trump Tweets to Adam Schiff after Dramatic Performance at Mueller Hearings
After yesterday’s below the belt tweet issued by Adam Schiff to President Trump regarding budget cuts, Trump has hit back. Being the counterpuncher that he is, President Trump took aContinue Reading
TWEET: Schiff Says Trump Wants to Make it Harder to Put Food on the Table, Misses Big Picture
This morning Adam Schiff, the Democrat Representative for California’s 29th congressional district, fired a proverbial shot at President Trump via Twitter. In his Tweet, he was responding to a reportContinue Reading