Trump Impeachment Trial Memorandum Accuses Democrats of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ and Calls Charges ‘Outlandish’

Former President Trump’s legal team released the Impeachment Trial Memorandum for the trial which highlights their arguments against convicting former President Trump in the lengthy 78-page document. The “Trump War Room” Twitter account tweeted out the link to the document just moments ago.

In the introduction statement, they accused the Democrats of still having, “Trump Derangement Syndrome”. All while calling each time that articles of impeachment were introduced as being more outlandish than the next one.

“During the past four years, Democrat members of the United States House of Representatives have filed at least nine (9) resolutions to impeach Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States, each containing charges more outlandish than the next.”

They went on to call out Democratic members of Congress saying, “One might have been excused for thinking that the Democrats’ fevered hatred for Citizen Trump and their “Trump Derangement Syndrome” would have broken by now, seeing as he is no longer the President, and yet for the second time in just over a year the United States Senate is preparing to sit as a Court of Impeachment, but this time over a private citizen who is a former President.”

They concluded the introduction by slamming the Democrats for trying to silence a political movement, “But through this latest Article of Impeachment now before the Senate, Democrat politicians seek to carve out a mechanism by which they can silence a political opponent and a minority party. The Senate must summarily reject this brazen political act.”

We will have to see what else is to come once the trial in the Senate begins as it seems dead on arrival.

Stay tuned to Media Right News for more updates.

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