Biden’s Defense Secretary Retweets Images of ‘Pro-Putin’ Tucker Carlson Monologue, Pentagon Calls it ‘Fat Finger Mistake’

On Monday, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s Twitter account retweeted images of Tucker Carlson’s Tuesday night monologue, in which Carlson asks questions about Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Why do Democrats want you to hate Putin? Has Putin shipped every middle class job in your town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked your business? Is he teaching your kids to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl? Does he eat dogs?”

Politico’s Alex Ward noticed that the account for Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin had retweeted an image from Tucker’s monologue that reads across the bottom “Putin just wants to keep his western border secure”. Ward tweeted a screenshot of Austin’s tweet and even circled it for those who may have missed it.

Pentagon press secretary told Ward, “It was a fat finger mistake by one of our social media guys. He undid it immediately.” Evidently, it was not undone quickly enough to escape the eyes of many on Twitter. It appears that some people may think Pentagon social media managers may be watching what Carlson does.

@PentagonPresSec to me: “It was a fat finger mistake by one of our social media guys. He undid it immediately.”

Since last Tuesday’s monologue, Tucker has changed his tune on Putin as the Russian President has proceeded to invade Ukraine and continues on that path.

Last night Carlson’s monologue discussed the possibility that world leaders could turn this into a “historic disaster”.

“Our leaders could easily turn this tragic and volatile moment into a historic disaster. They’ve done it before.”

Last year, Carlson claimed that the NSA was spying on him and that he was illegally unmasked in NSA documents. He called on NSA Director Gen. Paul Nakasone to release the name of the individual that had him unmasked. This came about after Tucker claimed that a whistleblower came to him to divulge that the Biden administration wanted him canceled.

The NSA publicly denied the claim on Twitter that they were spying on Carlson. “This allegation is untrue. Tucker Carlson has never been an intelligence target of the Agency and the NSA has never had any plans to try to take his program off the air.”

However, A couple of months later the NSA IG Robert Storch launched a probe into the allegations that the NSA was spying on media personalities including Tucker Carlson. We are unaware of any results from the probe.

The world is on edge as Putin continues his invasion of Ukraine, and no one knows what will come next. Joe Biden is set to make his State of the Union address this evening and we are not sure what he will have to say.

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