NYPD Vehicle Appears to Hit Bicyclist in Pursuit of Vehicle that Drove Through Protesters

A New York Police Department vehicle was videoed ramming into a BLM protestor on a bicycle late Tuesday night. The NYPD officer was in pursuit after a 21 year old driving a Volkswagen sedan that forced his way through a large group of protestors near the Brooklyn Bridge.

Protestors were gathered in New York in memory of George Floyd on the one-year anniversary of his death. Allegedly, a protestor jumped onto the Volkswagen driver’s car before he began driving off. The driver hit another pedestrian as the first protestor flew off his car before the NYPD vehicle began chasing after the sedan.

During the policeman’s pursuit, his vehicle hit a cyclist. The police vehicle’s side-view mirror slammed a cyclist which led the cyclist to hit the ground hard and fast. This is not the first instance of “peaceful” protestors being hit by angry drivers.

On Monday evening, a North Carolina woman was arrested after striking two peaceful protestors with her car. This woman, Lisa Michelle O’Quinn, was taken into custody and charged with two counts of assault with a deadly weapon, intent to kill, and a single count of reckless driving, and another single count of unsafe movement.

In July, USA Today reported that police vehicles and even citizen-owned vehicles have hit demonstrators over 100 times at BLM-related events.

In late January, a police vehicle rammed a crowd of protestors after protestors swarmed the police car.

Just a few weeks ago, on April 29th, a car drove thru peaceful protestors in Portland, not stopping, even after a protestor, donning a black umbrella, leaped onto his windshield.

These shocking senarios are happening all across America, not just in the hometown of George Floyd in Minneapolis or in major cities like New York. In Denver last year, a car drove through police brutality protestors, launching their flailing bodies off his car.

In May of last year, a policeman in Brooklyn hit a protestor who was in a pack of demonstrators throwing cement blocks at police cars.

From these multitudes of graphic videos, it is clear that blocking traffic is not a safe way to protest. There is an egregious amount of footage across twitter and all social media platforms recognizing this. Police cars and citizen owned vehicles alike have plowed through protestors and putting them in harm’s way. Between May 27th, 2020 and September 27th, 2020, there have been 104 instances of this and the number are surely higher if one takes into account all BLM related protests.

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