Reactions to Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib’s Likely Ban from Israel
Recently it was announced that US Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were being blocked by Benjamin Netanyahu from entering Israel. This comes on the heels of comments they haveContinue Reading
AUTOPSY: Jeffrey Epstein Had Broken Bones in Neck
According to reports, including CNN, convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s autopsy from his apparent suicide on August 10th shows he had broken bones in his neck. This comes in theContinue Reading
Shapiro: If You Had to Work More Than One Job, ‘That’d be a You Problem’
Controversial conservative talk show host and editor in chief of The Daily Wire Ben Shapiro is making waves for something he said about poverty. In a short clip that isContinue Reading
VIDEO: April Ryan’s Bodyguard Accused of Assaulting Reporter
Fox News has confirmed that a bodyguard for CNN’s April Ryan did indeed ‘violently’ remove a journalist from an event where Ryan was the keynote speaker on August 3rd. TheContinue Reading
The Left Moves Toward ‘Open Borders’ as #CuccinelliResign Trends on Twitter
“It’s meant no chance for 11 million immigrants to come out of the shadows and earn their citizenship if they pay a penalty and pass a background check, pay theirContinue Reading
Donald J. Trump Facebook Page Offers ‘Fredo Unhinged’ T-Shirts For Sale
After sharing a video on Facebook earlier joking CNN’s Chris Cuomo and multiple Tweets from President Trump and Donald Trump Jr., the trashing and bashing continues. It appears the savvyContinue Reading
Donald Trump Jr. Retweets #FredoCuomo, Says Homophobia Runs in The Family
The epic saga continues as Chris Cuomo, #FredoCuomo and other hashtags dominate the Twitter trends today. President Trump and others took a few shots already at CNN’s Cuomo following aContinue Reading
Silverman on BlackFace Firing: ‘I Didn’t Go to a Party in the 80’s’
Comedian Sarah Silverman, fired from a new movie over a 2007 blackface sketch on her old show “The Sarah Silverman Program” has spoken out. You might be surprised at whatContinue Reading
Julián Castro Trolls Trump in Wake of Low Poll Numbers, Blames him For El Paso Shooting
Not long after a scandal Where Julián’s brother Joaquin Castro was lambasted for Tweeting a list of President Trump’s donors, (something Julián condoned wholeheartedly) presidential candidate and former Obama adminContinue Reading
Kamala Harris Fumes Over New Trump Stance on Immigrant Entitlements
Earlier today it was announced that under the new direction of Ken Cuccinelli, who is heading up the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service currently, President Trump will target entitlementContinue Reading