Scaramucci Calls Trump a Bully After Trump Responds to Disloyalty
Anthony Scaramucci, former White House Communications Director, has recently turned his back on President Trump after being one of his most ardent fans and supporters. According to the New YorkContinue Reading
PHOTOS: As Locals Remember Charlottesville, Biden Slams ‘Trump Rhetoric’
Two years ago to the date, the ‘Unite the Right‘ rally descended upon Charlottesville, Virginia, the second and most impactful of two days, to be specific. The events that unfoldedContinue Reading
Andy Ngo Renews Calls for Justice While Trolls Litter his Twitter Feed
New York Post contributor Andy Ngo has renewed his cries for justice and wants to highlight the biased and unfair treatment of prominent conservatives by the media and others. NgoContinue Reading
Biden Commits Another Gaffe, Says He Was VP For Parkland Shooting; Advocates Gun Control
Although there are many who still consider Barack Obama to be their president, as was evidenced by a tweet on August 5th that went viral, Joe Biden misspoke on theContinue Reading
Twitter Supresses #ClintonBodyCount, then #TrumpBodyCount Starts Trending
Actress Mindy Robinson tweeted something after the Epstein death this morning highlighting a tale of two trending tags. One was about a hashtag that starting trending not long after theContinue Reading
Icons React to Apparent Epstein Suicide, Joy Reid Hints William Barr Connected
William Barr Confirmed the FBI is investigating the Death, by Suicide of Jeffery Epstein in his lower Manhattan Prison Cell. MSNBC’s Joy Reid Implied William Barr may be connected toContinue Reading
Sex Offender Jeffrey Epstein Found Dead This Morning
This morning Jeffery Epstein was found dead in his cell by apparent suicide, while on suicide watch. This comes in the wake of former associates scrambling to distance themselves such asContinue Reading
Former Associates of Epstein Push Hard to Distance Themselves
Leslie Wexner, Billionaire, CEO and Founder of L Brands, (Victoria’s Secret) spoke out Wednesday that his former money manager Jeffery Epstein misappropriated over $46 million dollars of his personal capital.Continue Reading
Kid Rock Blasts Taylor Swift in Shocking Tweet
Kid Rock tweeted today: Taylor Swift wants to be a democrat because she wants to be in movies….period. And it looks like she will suck the door knob off HollyweirdContinue Reading
President Trump Decries Hollywood Movie ‘The Hunt’
Following news of a Hollywood movie coming out that depicts wealthy elites hunting people known as ‘deplorables’, President Trump has hit back at the movie that is sure to “inflame”.Continue Reading